1. Make it Sexy
Satisfy her psychologically by boosting her confidence and making her feel sexy. Keep your relationship fresh by flirting. She likes to feel sexy. She wants to be desired and chased. Give a sly smile and wink. Show her that she still does it for you. Whisper in her ear the ways she turns you on. Build her sexiness confidence, then suggest some actions that you find especially sexy...
2. Touch Her
Satisfy her skin with affectionate touch and sensual caressing. Whether it's part of foreplay or simply a little PDA, she enjoys feeling your touch. Men are generally less touchy feeling than ladies. Indulge her need for touch with hugs, snuggles, kisses, hand holding, caressing etc.
3. Write a Love Note
Satisfy her questioning mind. Let her know the reasons you love her. Tell her what you admire about her and all the reasons you fell for her. This is a sentimental gift that she can read over and over again. Try making a top 10, 50 or even 100 reasons list. It can be juicy and romantic, or light hearted and fun. Affirm her best qualities and share your heartfelt feelings. Let her know why she is the perfect match for you. She's sure to melt at this lasting romantic gesture.
4. Compliment Her
Satisfy her by increasing her physical confidence. In a day and age where sex sells, we are bombarded by amazing looking women on TV, in magazines, and on the internet. With such amazing competition, women can feel slightly inadequate. Let her know the things you love about her. Be sincere, she knows she is not perfect, but she wants to know that you are attracted to her.
5. Flowers, Chocolates, and Teddy Bear
Satisfy her emotionally with romantic gestures. The traditional flowers, chocolates and teddy bears will make her feel special, and soften her up. If you want to do something less predictable, get creative or put your own spin on some of these romantic gestures. A good rule of thumb is- the more you give, the more you get...
6. Massage
Satisfy her tense and tight muscles. Start with her feet and work your way up, or with her scalp and ease your way down. Your touch will not simply relax her. Touch is stimulating and energizing. Many massages have turned in to foreplay and stimulated some steamy lovin. Which just goes to show that one good deed, deserves another.
7. Jewelry
Satisfy her material desires. The old saying goes "diamonds, that'll shut her up". It doesn't have to be diamonds thought. Ladies love jewelry. One piece of jewelry is almost always the solution for any relationship problem. A piece of jewelry is worth a thousand words; I'm sorry, I love you, I screwed up, Let's work it out, Just because...
8. Spice It Up
Satisfy her senses. Add some variety to your intimate times together. Share your fantasies (or part of them) with each other and make them come true. If she is comfortable add some adult accessories to your love making. Experiment and share. Find out what really satisfies her...
9. Help Her with Housework
Satisfy her needs so she has energy to satisfy yours. As the popular book title goes "Sex starts in the Kitchen". Many women think it is hot when a man cooks or cleans. It shows a sensitive side, that you are in tune with practical matters, and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to dessert...
10. Take Your Time
Satisfy her slowly and sensually. Although men are ready anytime, anyplace, most women are not ready at the drop of a dime. We've all heard men are like microwaves, women are like slow cookers. Slow things down and increase your foreplay. Play sensual games or experiment with sensual oils. Make your loving last longer.